Feedburner가 구글에 인수된지 1년만에 구글 애드센스를 피드버너를 통해 서비스한다.
테크크런치는 피드버너가 마침내 구글 애드센스를 피드버너를 통해 출시한다고 5월30일자 포스팅에서 밝혔다.
그리고, 피드버너 공식블로그도 다음주(6월2일?)부터 피드버너를 통한 RSS 피드에 구글 애드센스광고가 실릴것이라고 밝혔다. 광고내용은 블로그 내용과 유사한 문맥 광고이며 각 포스트 사이에 나타날 것이라고 밝혔다.
피드버너를 통한 구글 애드센스는 기존의 애드센스 가입과 마찬가지로 일정한 조건을 충족하는 블로그에만 허용된다고 한다. 일단은 선택된 소수의 퍼블리셔에게만 참여할수 있도록 하지만 자세한 정보는 나중에 정식으로 모두에게 런칭할때 된후 알려준다고 한다.
자세한 내용은 아래 링크를 참조하시길...
FeedBurner Finally Rolls Out AdSense
Erick Schonfeld
Nearly a year after it was bought by Google for $100 million, FeedBurner is finally going to roll out Google’s AdSense as an advertising option for blogs and Websites that use its service to publish their feeds. FeedBurner will start with a few select publishers next week, and then expand the option to all of its customers soon afterwards.
What took them so long? That seemed to be the whole point of the acquisition.
FeedBurner intersperses ads in blog feeds between every few posts. Integrating with AdSense will allow for publishers to tap into contextual ads for their feeds, in addition to the ads that FeedBurner already sells.
Hopefully, Google also found the time to integrate its automated back-end payment system into all FeedBurner accounts. Until recently, FeedBurner was still sends out paper checks to publishers participating in its ad network. At least, that’s how TechCrunch gets paid.
The official FeedBurner weblog.
May 30, 2008
Into the wild: AdSense for feeds
We've been hinting at this for awhile, but it's finally time to spill the beans: Starting next week, we'll be rolling out AdSense for feeds to a small group of publishers, in anticipation of a full launch to all FeedBurner and AdSense publishers "coming soon". If you start seeing "Ads by Google" on an ad in a feed somewhere, that'd be us.
So what will this mean for you? Well, publishers already in the FeedBurner Ad Network will continue to see premium CPM ads directly sold onto their content, but with the added bonus of contextually targeted ads that will fill up the remainder of their inventory. That means you get the best of both worlds: a dedicated Google sales force that knows how and why to sell onto your content, with the added revenue that full back-fill coverage provides. And with AdSense, you'll know that your back-filled ads are using the strongest contextual ad engine, ensuring the most relevant and profitable ads are delivered to your subscribers. And yes, ads are also sold via Google's AdWords program.
For publishers who are not yet placing ads in their feeds, any publisher who meets the requirements to join the AdSense program will also be able to use AdSense for feeds. You will be able to manage your feed ad units directly from AdSense Setup tab, and track performance right on the AdSense Report tab. You can slice, dice, mix, or mash your tracking across feed units and content units, or keep them totally separate. You're in control. You can still control the frequency and rules around when ads appear in your feeds, without having to mess with templates on your content management system.
You might be wondering what you'll need to do to use AdSense for feeds. You'll learn more about the details when we fully launch, but here are the basics: you will need to sign up for AdSense if you haven't already, and you will want to set up your AdSense channels for "placement targeting" in order to make sure that advertisers can target your syndicated content specifically. As a publisher, you will remain be in control of the campaigns that are targeted at your feed by harnessing the power of Ad Review Center.
And, this is just the beginning of the chocolaty goodness that will come from ongoing integration effort with Google - there are many more "things" and "stuff" yet to come, as we mentioned a few weeks back.
We'll give you the full details on AdSense for feeds, including supported formats, how to sign up, etc., etc. when we're ready for the full launch to all publishers. In the meantime, FeedBurner feeds will continue to be fed as usual, and we'll be reaching out to select publishers individually to try out AdSense for feeds.
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Have some screenshots of Adsense RSS ads here http://www.labnol.org/internet/favorites/screenshots-of-google-adsense-ads-in-feedburner-rss-feeds/3132/
Will the new format be similar ?
Did this article explain how to set this up in our feeds? I think I missed something...
This doesn't mean FeedBurner will be inserting AdSense into my feeds without my consent, right?
This is what i´ve waited for ... it will help monetize good content which is read only in RSS readers.
@A No one from Google will insert AdSense into any of your content without your consent.
Along with that, it is also important that you do not give your username and password to any third parties to manage your feed on your behalf. We have had some recent cases where users gave up their username and password, and then a third party inserted ads without the user's consent.
Shannon, I think you missed the very first sentence. ;)
@Amit No, those are old. You will notice a difference immediately.
Where's the beef? I tried AdSense in FeedBurner feeds weeks ago - and dropped it, because feed readers don't like Ads. I guess.
Sign us up! We'd LOVE this for our growing site!
The Murray Crew Quadruplets
@Stefan - you must have tried AdSense on your site via the www.feedburner.com website, because AdSense for feeds was not available before today.
If you go back and look at the Monetize tab at FeedBurner, the current integration with AdSense says "for your site". I've seen a few quotes from publishers saying they have tried this, but they haven't. Yet. :)
I assume that by "feeds" you mean just that. Or will adsense also be enabled for the email service?
yet another place to hate ads ... thanks
Because we think that users should have a choice in service and also have control over there content.
We have created a competitive ad system that will also allow for insertion of words ads into RSS feeds.
We split the revenue 50/50 with the content publisher and we also give a portion of our revenue back to the community.
Most of RSS readers doesn't link ads for feed and most of feedreader can block advertising. Do u know? :-)
I'd love to be in on the first round as FeedBurner revenue has dropped dramatically on my feed.
@Dominic - if you use our tools to create and manage your newsletters from your feed, you can also leverage AdSense for feeds in the email service
@Steve O. OK, I see. Yes I mixed it up then.
Will these ads show up if your feed is on an iGoogle home page? I have thousands of RSS subscribers that use my feed there, and FAN ads don't show up for them.
Sign Me Up! I'd love to have this service!
Selected Publisher..:) Thats bad..:) we are also waiting for transferring feedburner account to google account. :) Add ad sense in feed :)
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